Topic: democrats

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Safari Woman

There are many black conservatives in America that share the values of individual liberty and personal responsibility that are espoused by many, and in an attempt to keep them on the plantation, the left has routinely referre...
Wanda Hope Carter

Today my friend posted an image on facebook pointing out that Republicans stood against the "Equal Pay for Women" bill in unison. The first response to it showed that the idea was taken at face value to mean that Republicans ...
Safari Woman

The first budget from Senate Democrats in four years includes nearly $1 trillion in new taxes but would not balance the budget. The blueprint unveiled by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on Tuesday to...
Safari Woman

Eric Holder: "I think that one of the things that we learned when we were trying to get passed those common sense reforms last year, Vice President Biden and I had a meeting with a group of technology people and we talked abo...
Safari Woman

WAKE UP AMERICA! Please stop the establishment of Sharia Law in America! NOW! The terrorist front group known as "The Muslim Brotherhood," which has relentlessly infiltrated every level of Obama's incredibly treasonous admini...
Safari Woman

I've never thought about this aspect of the left before even though I have certainly been the target of their hate more times than I can count and even though I have noticed how they always seem to be on the attack. Now, for ...
Safari Woman

We find a stark contrast between the results of liberal policies and conservative policies in today's news about the fiscal shape of California and Wisconsin. Lets look at the score cards, shall we? California while under De...
Safari Woman

Wowz. I think it is worth the time to read the whole article to better discover the intimidation by Obama and evidence of Federal control over the media. Here are a few excerpts to  start with -> “Phone calls from the White H...
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