Topic: democrats

Redneck Angel Warrior

The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left's boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display. I ...
Safari Woman is online.

Another member here, Lee, posted this about the incorrect assumption and claim by liberals that we have to take in these illegal children crossing our border as refugees. (Here)
Safari Woman is online.

LET THERE BE LIGHT! Excerpts: "I do not find it a coincidence that Eric Holder chose now to resign after Judge Bates denied the request from the DOJ to delay the release of the Fast and Furious documents. I personally think E...

Assuming our leaders would be mature enough to agree to avoid the fiscal cliff. Now, I suspect odds are better than 50-50 that we’ll be flying over it in January like Evel Knievel. The House is set to adjourn Friday for Chris...
Safari Woman is online.

Tweeted by Representative Pat Toomey: Imagine your monthly budget is $3,600. Wouldn't you cut $44 in spending to help save your family's finances? #sequester Besides the expected debate and development, today revealed Bob Woo...
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