Topic: democrats

Redneck Angel Warrior

The mask is off. All pretense has been dropped, and the anti-Christian left's boundless depth of hatred for individual liberty, our First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) is now on full display. I ...
Safari Woman is online.

If justice prevailed and reality reflected the situation going on in Washington DC, I think more than one person could easily be charged with treason many times over. Obama and Eric Holder are two that come to mind immediatel...
William Davis Hall

It has bothered me to watch the news about Ferguson. For most of her life, my daughter has grown up in a world where blacks and whites got along and where color was becoming a lesser distinction between people. She said it ma...
Safari Woman is online.

Since I started blogging in 08, I have seen several of my Democrat friends wake up over this time to turn away from their party to different degrees. I know of two that have left it altogether. It is because I care about thei...
Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS: Using data from the Federal Election Commission, this chart shows all donations that corporate members of the US Business Coalition for TPP made to US Senate campaigns between January and March 2015, when fast-track...
William Davis Hall

When I read this article about the derailment of MLK Jr's Dream by Allen West, I was shaking my head up and down the entire time. Yes, that is it. Liberalism represents and delivers every thing MLK Jr didn't want for the blac...
Safari Woman is online.

AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCERPTS: On Thursday, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he would resign his position as soon as a replacement could be named. Before the official announcement, which ...
Safari Woman is online.

I've never thought about this aspect of the left before even though I have certainly been the target of their hate more times than I can count and even though I have noticed how they always seem to be on the attack. Now, for ...
Safari Woman is online.

LET THERE BE LIGHT! Excerpts: "I do not find it a coincidence that Eric Holder chose now to resign after Judge Bates denied the request from the DOJ to delay the release of the Fast and Furious documents. I personally think E...
Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS: 43 Democrats in the Senate have signed onto a bill to effectively repeal the First Amendment. This month a cloture motion was introduced in order to stop debate and move the bill forward. S.J.Res.19 would effectivel...
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