Topic: democrats

Safari Woman

12/1/15 When I hear liberals complain about the Koch brothers I have to laugh. Not only does this Open Secrets donation chart show their own "evil" contributors, the very types they rail against, give much more to their preci...
Safari Woman

WAKE UP AMERICA! Please stop the establishment of Sharia Law in America! NOW! The terrorist front group known as "The Muslim Brotherhood," which has relentlessly infiltrated every level of Obama's incredibly treasonous admini...
Safari Woman

AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCERPTS: On Thursday, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he would resign his position as soon as a replacement could be named. Before the official announcement, which ...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: 43 Democrats in the Senate have signed onto a bill to effectively repeal the First Amendment. This month a cloture motion was introduced in order to stop debate and move the bill forward. S.J.Res.19 would effectivel...
Safari Woman

Tweeted by Representative Pat Toomey: Imagine your monthly budget is $3,600. Wouldn't you cut $44 in spending to help save your family's finances? #sequester Besides the expected debate and development, today revealed Bob Woo...
Safari Woman

TRILLIONS? ARG!!! Excerpts:   Senate Budget Committee Republican staff on Thursday released a description of what they claim is a “major flaw” in the immigration reform plan being pushed by the bipartisan “Gang of Eight"--a ...
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