Topic: immigration

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Safari Woman

Unfortunately, censorship has become the unofficial rule and position of the federal government.  A US Congressman was denied access to a facility housing illegal immigrants in his own district.  Doctors and nurses treating t...
Safari Woman

And now comes word that Border Patrol agents in the most heavily-trafficked area of the surge, the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas, recently questioned 230 illegal immigrants about why they came. The results showed overwhe...
Safari Woman

I think it is urgent that we alert people to what is really going on here! I thought I knew this topic fairly well but some of this was shocking! Excerpts: Obama’s Immigration Bill and his ensuing amnesty are not mainly abou...
Willis Pebble

After hearing Obama's speach on veteren's Day I had to finish this blog, lest we forget. Killing private Ryan If you have not seen the movie “Saving Private Ryan” You probably remember the beginning, the morning of D-Day, at ...
Willis Pebble

Obama's "spread the pain around"  Solution to the Government(13%) shutdown Here is what president Obama is doing to make the 13% government shutdown hurt as as many people as possible, and the reaction to it. It is beginning ...
Safari Woman

Excerpts from Judicial Watch: Obama amnesty has spread like wildfire in Mexico, igniting a crisis in a border crossing overwhelmed by illegal immigrants who’ve been taught that using “key words and phrases” will allow them to...
Willis Pebble

Well, unless the House stands up and John Boehner to not allow a bill against this bill by not taking this bill up, we will never have a secure border. I wish there was somebetter leadership in the house, but there is a chanc...
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