Topic: propaganda

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Safari Woman

Rush recently called it "the elephant in the room." In recent news while wasting time on why THEY can't understand how and why the Boston terrorists became so call "radicalized" the left wing propaganda machine media on the o...
Dale Barnes

I started this year out in a funk just considering it. Four more years of Obama is so ominous that it is hard for me to try to imagine because I don't want to do it. But I know that I must to some degree in order to plan for ...
Safari Woman

Inquiring minds want to know the truth.  The families deserve to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The media has failed to provide correct details from day one. There are so many questions left unansw...
Safari Woman

What does it say about America, when one of our "Journalists" is inspired by a Russian Journalist who did the same thing? EXCERPTS: In a resignation letter obtained by National Report, Wagner claims she has been spreading “li...
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