Topic: Scandal

Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: While President Obama operates outside the law repeatedly, apparently, the law holds no relevance for his subordinates either as the White House has refused to produce a top Obama aide who has been subpoenaed by the...
Safari Woman

As a website owner - I know their "reasons" aka excuses are PURE BS. Let me repeat that PURE BS. EXCERPTS: The Internal Revenue Service admitted in court Wednesday that the agency has not searched any of its standard computer...
Safari Woman

The number of out and out lies Obama has uttered are so numerous that they have passed the point of being able to count them. With the Obamacare Scandal, on top of the NSA and Spying Scandal, On Top of the Journalists Scandal...
Safari Woman

Cincinnati IRS Agent: Special ‘task force’ in DC made decisions about processing Tea Party applications “(The IRS agent in Cincinnati) told me that in fact the case would be transferred to a special task force out of Washingt...
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