Topic: Senate

Willis Pebble

Common Core? Tell Florida Leadership: We Can Do Better! The Florida Citizens Alliance is suggesting that we write our Florida elected officials and the Legislative leaders in Tallahassee. However, we have even more influence ...
Joseph Ryan

This Senate vote will determine if Mitch McConnell can get away with breaking his promise to repeal Obama care or be rewarded for It. Judge Roy is will stick to his principles and has proven it. McConnell has endorsed Luther ...
Joseph Ryan

  The  ‘‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015’’ better known as the Omnibus spending bill  (Latin for everything) is currently being held up in the US senate by Ted Cruze, and Mike Lee, who apparently ...
Willis Pebble

  Regrets for Trump In Alabama Senate race, I Hope So. I hope Trump does have regrets about backing Luther Strange. I am furious with him for interfering in a race where he clearly knew nothing about the candidates. Yeh, I kn...
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