common-core rotten2
Pro Education No Indoctrination
Joseph Ryan

Common Core the Beginning of the End? Something happened on the 23rd of July, and it involved Glenn beck’s “We will not Conform” anti Common Core event. It was not the event itself  it was the story about the event titled ”Gl...
Joseph Ryan

Did Trump break his Common Core promise by nominating Betsy DeVos? Read the Articles below and that decide. If Common ore is still in our schools in three years, Trump will be a failure, in my opinion   Shorter-info-on-DeVos...
Willis Pebble

Here ia the first In sallment of a an ongouing blog which will show the corporate connection that gave us comon core. The enclosed diagrams and maps were gathered from sources aroung the stop common core movement. Truthout / ...
Joseph Ryan

  Assessing Candidates’ Record on Common Core  Ted Cruz, Rand Paul Receive an A – on Common Core Report Card August 19, 2015 By Shane Vander Hart ThePulse2016, American Principles in Action, and Cornerstone Policy Research...
Joseph Ryan

  MARCO RUBIO ON COMMON CORE Marco's Recorded on Common Core Reveals Why He Is the Crony Capitalist Choice for President A candidate's position on Common Core right to the heart of how they think about government. You can te...
Joseph Ryan

March for the Children Event March 5th, Tallahassee Please  plan to attend the March for the Children Event on March 5th in Tallahassee to support the  Florida Education Stakeholders Education Empowerment Act(FESEEA) . This ...
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