Bernie Sanders Tweet about Syrian Refugees after Paris Attack
Make America Great Again RUM
The Reason Bernie Sanders Supporters are Kids
Trump Whitehouse end of first year
Bernie Sanders Wants to End Tax Exemptions for Churches
Bernie Sanders first day as president he will plant the magic trees that grow the free stuff
Bernie Sanders Nothing says progress like a 74 year old Eurpean style Socialist
In this instant of what live looked like a friendly handshake - the truth comes out
Under Kasich Ohio Schools have fallen from 5th to 23rd
Craigs list ad for HIllary Supporter Needed for Protest
Trump reads Winners arent losers to Jeb Bush LOL
Trump Endorsed by National Black Republican Association
DNC 2016 Needed words of pledge of allegience on a teleprompter
Democrats slamming Republicans in early voting
Democrat candidates 2015 combined worth over 86 million - wants to lecture America about income inequality
Who is better qualified to be president Trump or Rubio
Muslim covered in black for Bernie Sanders
Priorities for choosing your candidate Which one has the largest johnson
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