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Show me on this doll where the electoral college hurt you
A fenced off national mall is full of flags instead of people for Joe-ker Biden installation
Courtney Love Cobains Twitter Election Poll - TRUMP WINS BIG TIME
Bernie Sanders Personal Record
Democrat Choice 2016 Socialism VS Scandalism
Wake The Hell Up America
Protester at Anti Trump rally sign says Kill Whitey
Bernie Sanders does not normally drink beer but when he does it is somebody elses
Idiot Hillary Supporter Deport Fashisom WHAT
The media got the memo to describe RNC as DARK
Which party is more enthusiastic about voting in 2018
No man who does not begin every day on his knees is fit to stand in the oval office Ted Cruz quote
Democratic Communist for Congress
Liberals went from Love trumps hate to rioting temper tantrum throwing idiots in one day
Ohio Quinnipiac Poll
Rand Paul introduces bill to stop Obama Executive Orders on Guns
Beta Male Bernie Sanders Supporters - Dont Be One
The cost of Bernies Free Stuff
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