Ted Cruz explains a Demagogue
conservative cats eat demorats
Angry Illegal Trump Protester = Pro Trump Recruitment Tool
Ted Cruz Simple Tax Plan
Forest Trump
Mia Love - Thank you lets get to work Congrats Mia
The Devil They Know Commercial and Investment Bank Campaign Donations
Bernie Sanders Free College offered by same party who promised cheaper insurance
Group photo of 2020 Democrat Presidential hopefuls
Vulture VS Bernie Sanders Fan
How do you starve a bernie sanders supporter hide their food stamps under their work boots
Feel the Bern - you may have an STD
Give up your guns the police will protect you
Fox News in the Trump Tank
Muslim covered in black for Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders  is the Definition of Establishment  Worked For Gov Since 1981
Bernie Sanders Will Stop Jobs From Going Overseas By Raising Corporate Taxes SAY WHAT
You might be a liberal if you are outraged over Rubios traffic tickets but cool with Sharpton owing millions in taxes
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