Jeb Bush will meet with Rubio Cruz and Kasich
Trump not a racist Won Ellis Island Award for Helping  Inner City Black Youth
2014 All 435 House  Seats are up for re-election
Hong Kong Protestors wave Trump Rocky photos at rally
The Devil They Know Commercial and Investment Bank Campaign Donations
Pervy Uncle Joe Biden Sniffing Pervy Bill Clintons Hair
Ocasio Cortez was a huge fan of Ted Kennedy because he did so much for women lmao
NO WAY IN HELL BIDEN WON - Comparison chart
Who is democrat candidate Pastor Warnock
Vote Kelli Ward Retire McCain
Bloomberg biting the hand that feeds us FARMERS
Ted Cruz Quote Defund Sanctuary Cities
Ted Cruz has more Congressional endorsements than any Republican running
Vote For Rob Maness a Clear Contrast to Mary Landrieu
Joe is lost in the White House while Kamela measures the drapes
Trump Triumps
You might be a liberal if you are outraged over Rubios traffic tickets but cool with Sharpton owing millions in taxes
Feel the Burn Bernie Sanders
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