Title that picture - Bernie Sanders Was that a cell phone vibration or a shart - Who took my starbucks cup
1962 Bernie Sanders was arrested protesting segregated housing
Bernie Sanders FAlling Asleep During Memorial Service
Globalism VS Nationalism Clinton VS Trump
Ted and Heidi Cruz kissing
Democrats Stronger Together With MS13
Donald Trumps statement about the DNC convention
Ad spending in New York for Election 2016
A Donald Trump Contribution List
Vice Chair DNC questions Debbie Wasserman Shultz capabilities lmao
America will become California if Kamala is elected map
trump waikiki
Record Turn Out in Republican Contests
GOP Decision go with Cruz Trump or Hillary
Republican supporters who have disrupted Democrat events - 0 - Democrats disrupting Republicans THOUSANDS
Get a clue liberals - this is why you lost
When you were ready to fight the commies but you find out you are fighting satanists
Bernie Sanders quote Climate change directly related to terrorism
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