Economic Illiterates for Bernie Sanders
Creepy Bernie Sanders Logo from the Obama HOPE Poster Designer
Bernie Sanders mega tax increases largest in peacetime history
Trump VS Bush Who makes the best decisions
GOA Gun Owners of America endorses Ted Cruz for President
You might be a liberal if you are outraged over Rubios traffic tickets but cool with Sharpton owing millions in taxes
What do they mean when they say progressive
Feel The Bern on the tax payers back
Under Kasich Ohio Schools have fallen from 5th to 23rd
trump christie 2016
Trump reads Winners arent losers to Jeb Bush LOL
Bernie wants socialism - define socialism
Bill Clinton endorses Wendy Davis lol
Democrat candidates 2015 combined worth over 86 million - wants to lecture America about income inequality
Planned Parenthood taxpayer funds in DNC contributions out
You need an ID to enter the DNC but not one to vote for representatives according to the Democrats
The debates so far wholesome and nutritious vs free candy
But I identify as Not a Bush
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