Useful idiot thinks communism equals a fair society THE GREENS
Rand Paul introduces bill to stop Obama Executive Orders on Guns
Percentage of Media Reporting on David Jolly Victory
Illinois runs red in Governor Race 2014 They are sick of liberal policies and the destruction
No man who does not begin every day on his knees is fit to stand in the oval office Ted Cruz quote
The five votes we need to defund obamacare
Creepy Bernie Sanders Logo from the Obama HOPE Poster Designer
Young Ted Cruz
Vote for Pinestraw
Wendy Davis Texas Candidate Divorced Husband Day After Last Tuition Payment
Ben Carson quote Constitution Protects Equal Rights Not Special Rights
NY Republican Ballot misspelled affidavit
Jeb Bush will meet with Rubio Cruz and Kasich
Famous Bernie Sanders Quote Women Fantasize About Being Raped
The Democrat Party Died With JFK - Todays Democrats are Communists
New York Post Cover Obama Stripped the Emperor Has No Clothes
Democrat a person too stupid to know they are a communist
A Donald Trump Contribution List
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