What the MSNBC GOP Debate moderators looked like to me
Young Ted Cruz
Wendy Davis Texas Candidate Divorced Husband Day After Last Tuition Payment
Ted Cruz We are witnessing a great awakening
Charlie Crist Lied About Raising Taxes And Being a Reagan Republican
2014 All 435 House  Seats are up for re-election
GOP trashing TEA Party Candidates
Muslim covered in black for Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Give Away of the Day
Democrats running for re-election in 2014 who cast the decisive vote for Obamacare
Subversive tactics in campaign networks
Elizabeth Warren aka Hillary Clinton wannabe hugging Race Baiter Hate Monger Al  Sharpton
Bernie Sanders Will Stop Jobs From Going Overseas By Raising Corporate Taxes SAY WHAT
Vote For Rob Maness a Clear Contrast to Mary Landrieu
Remember in November..
GOP hates black people - The Democrats LIE
Florida Economy Charlie Crist 3.6 Billion in Debt Rick Scott 1.2 billion in surplus
CruzCrew Norwood TEA Party strategy huh
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