Temperature Curve Last Fifteen Thousand Years Chart2
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Warren Buffet Doubled his 35 Billion investment in a railroad due to stopping the Keystone Pipeline
Is climate change caused by man
John Kerry on the Russian war with Ukraine - WHAT A BLOODY IDIOT
Did you know Every Part of a Wind Turbine Depends on Steel - Most of it ends up in a landfill
UN predicts disaster if global warming not checked 1989 Article
Not Global Warming or Climate Change It is called WEATHER
Corruption of the peer review and publishing process FOLLOW THE SILENCE -climate
I am cow
Obama fights terrorists by pushing the gorebull warming agenda
Mother Nature gives Greta Thunburg a well deserved spanking Ben Garrison Cartoon GrrrGraphics
The Second American Revolution Almost Started Today at the Bundy Ranch #BundyRanch
Global Warming is a Hoax the Real Goal is Communism
Al Gore preaching in the church of climatology
Awake yet climate scam global warming
No butts on the beach
To think that destroying the environment is the only way to save it is psycho!
Attention Liberals Now You Know Why We Have The 2nd Amendment
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