Wanda Hope Carter
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60? I'm going to be 60?


I Have so many wishes about where I was at this time of life that I didn't succeed at due to my own wrong decisions and failures. On the other hand there were times in my life that I could not have even imagined that I would end up so well off as I am comparitively.

Either way, here I am 60 days out starting this 121 day diary of the adventure ahead to help me focus on an all out attempt to right a few wrongs, feel thankful for what I am blessed with, and regroup for this monumental milestone in my life. 

I may not achieve them all but this I am sure of, I will be closer to where I wish I was than I am today, 60 days before turning 60! 

I am not too old to still set goals, have dreams and achieve them. 

Sometimes I look around and ask, how did I get here? But the real question that remains is, where am I going and who will I be when I get there. 



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