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Tea Party circles in East Tennessee might seem an unlikely environment for launching a Muslim organization. Will Coley, a 31-year-old Tennessee native, Muslim convert and Tea Party activist did just that.

His one person outreach project to Tea Party conservatives and libertarians grew into the first national organization countering Islamophobia on the Right.

Their message: Islam is compatible with an anti-big government or libertarian philosophy. They do not denounce sharia, but defend it within a libertarian framework. 

"Our approach is different," says Coley. "We use principles within sharia like maqasid (primary goals) to show their connection with John Locke's principles of life, liberty and property."

Coley claims this strategy makes an impact.

"I have noticed everywhere we go it is about the same," says Coley. "We talk to 50 people. The five to six that pointed the group in an anti-Islam direction still hate us, but the rest start thinking, researching."

Most notably, in 2011 Coley persuaded the majority of Tea Party organizations in East Tennessee to take a stand against Islamophobia.

After speaking with fourteen Tea Party chapters about Muslim beliefs on liberty and sharia (Islamic religious law code), twelve of them agreed to reject anti-Muslim appeals. They even publically supported a petition opposing a proposed "sharia ban" in Tennessee.

Coley's efforts drew the attention of members of the small but growing community of Muslim libertarians, especially after an initial article on the anti-Islamophobia website

Read more at: http://shariaunveiled.wor...


OR: http://www.illumemagazine...

Safari Woman
Well this is interesting! I am going to come back to this when I have time to study it out better. Thanks I never heard of such a thing as what he is presenting. I don't really know what to make of it without a lot more research and careful thought.
  • July 27, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
Well, Adam Kokesh converted to Islam and he was a big Ron Paul supporter. Watch your step with the Mussie lovers.
  • July 27, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I knew that some Tea Parties had been infiltrated but I thought it was by Progressives....not muzzies! During the last election....a bunch of us were kicked off of different Tea Party sites for posting things that we had found out about Islam and Mormonism.....Romney was their man and no truth about...
  • July 28, 2013
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Elaine Morris
Warrior, I do remember that vividly!
We were also kicked off of a Newt Gingrich site, remember?  Seems the followers of Romney told me this is what Newt would want!  Those people were pushing for Romney and, was it Ryan they wanted as his running buddy on the Newt site?
I am wondering IF this is reall...
  • July 28, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
If you're still connected with any of the Tea Parties....maybe email and ask if they have any info. on this.
If I remember correctly.....some of those Tea Party sites had groups that were discussing Islam also! The ones I had been connected with didn't seem to be that fuzzy and warm towards Islam.
  • July 29, 2013
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Elaine Morris
I haven't heard anything from the Tea Party Leaders I have on my list. LOL... I get something once in a while.  Personally? lol...I think they are still carrying a grudge after I warned them about Romney.
  • July 29, 2013
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Elaine Morris
I went ahead and sent this to them.  Haven't heard a word back....maybe (?) they haven't had the time.
  • July 29, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Maybe ....? Then maybe they don't want anyone to know they are dining with the devil ? Let us know please if you get any responses.
  • July 29, 2013
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Elaine Morris
That is very possible.  Otherwise, they'd be saying "NO, we are not!"
  • July 29, 2013
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