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Boy oh boy do I ever agree with this WND article, Obama's Despotism and Republican Cowardice, by Tom Tancredo. Between the Republican gutless wonders in DC who appear to be nothing more than part of the smoke and mirrors show that keeps us under the spell of the left right dichotomy, and the sheep like conservatives who complain a lot without actually doing anything, we make up one big unhappy family of Despot supporters. Shame on US!

We watch as our freedoms die, and a probable usurper propped up and pushed into place by the far leftist Marxist leaning progressives has his way with us while ignoring the document that established us as a nation. What is left of the constitution is such small pieces that the words they contain hold litte weight anymore except in the minds of idealists who cling to the hope of ruturning America to her former strength as the land of the free and home of the brave. As of late, it seems like we are neither.




Dale Barnes
Left, Right, they march us right where they want us.
  • August 18, 2013
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