1. The sport  of choice for the urban poor is BASKETBALL.

2. The sport  of choice for maintenance level employees is  BOWLING.

3. The sport  of choice for front-line workers is FOOTBALL. 

4. The sport  of choice for supervisors is BASEBALL.

5. The sport  of choice for middle management is TENNIS.


6. The sport  of choice for corporate executives and officers is  GOLF. 


The higher  you go in the corporate structure, the smaller your  balls become.

There must be a  boat load of people in Washington playing  marbles.

Safari Woman

And a congress full of spit ballers hehe
  • August 21, 2013
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Marge Pauls
Luv the newbie!
  • August 21, 2013
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Too funny!!
  • August 22, 2013
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  • August 22, 2013
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Kahaluu Girl
good one Marge!....love it!
  • August 22, 2013
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Walter D.
I tell you one thing for sure, there is a boat load in DC that have no balls and who have lost their marbles!
  • August 22, 2013
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Marge Pauls
And their spitballs are stuck on a wall somewhere...lol!
  • August 23, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
Thanks, I needed that good laugh!
  • August 23, 2013
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