Why did Journalist Michael Hastings crash into a tree at hight speeds? According to the toxicology reports he had traces of methamphetimine and medical marijuana in his system but from many hours before his death and it was ruled that neither were the cause of his death. His death has been recorded from blunt force trauma when his car hit the tree at high speeds. The ABC news report attached below says his family wanted him in detox. It also states that he had reported the FBI was investigating him although the FBI denied it.

The article below is helpful but I am posting it mostly because of the incredible videos on the topic of his previous investigations found at the top of the page. Michael Hastings made scathing criticisms of the Obama administration.

Background: Hastings was best known for his 2010 Rolling Stone profile of U.S. Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, which led to McChrystal's resignation. He also wrote for the website Buzzfeed.

So Michael reported the FBI was investigating and they denied. Even if they weren't how hard would it be for the commander in corruption to send out a couple of agents to put the heat on without the entire bureau being involved?

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