On the night prior to my birthday, a young black cat found us hanging out on the downstairs patio waiting for the midnight toast. It made great friends with my daughter. I petted it a little but I wasn't trying to encourage it. It seemed like a stray. I'm not ready to be a cat momma as I said before.

The next day on my birthday it hung out and I made sure it got something to eat. It kept coming around and I kept finding things to feed it.

Three days ago while I was in the convenience store, I picked up a box of cat food because I really don't have a lot of things cats should eat. Since then, I'm not the only feeder and it keeps coming around for it's twice a day meal.

I am still hoping that I can find out if it has a home somewhere or someone to adopt it if I don't.

I've been a "full time mommy" to either kids, or pets or both since I was 15 and I have only had a couple of years to start figuring out who I am without that kind of responsibility. I differentiate being a "mommy" from being a mom because to me that comes with a different set of regulations and responsibilities than the mom job and being a mom never ends.

I'm still praying about it and not worrying about it as of yet. But if it goes on too long I'll have to do something. I'd rather not have to decide about the fate of this little creature but if I can find it permanent love and care then presently I believe that is why it came to my house rather than knowing it was coming HOME. 

Or that's how I see it so far...

It is really cute and lovable if anyone needs a nice black cat! Wink

Topics: birthday, cat
ha! what did u name it?
  • September 14, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Perhaps.... it was a Birthday present from your Angels....knowing that you work hard and having a cat around to pet and snuggle with would help you relax when you need to?

Cats aren't that dependant on their humans....they don't mind being left alone for hours. They are pretty undemanding actually.

  • September 14, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
I know but my angels should have known better. lol
  • September 18, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
LOL! Perhaps they do....??
  • September 18, 2013
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✞★❤Lati Hall❤★✞
My mother would never allow me to have a black cat. She is scared of them! lol I like cats but I don't like litter boxes. My friend's cat stays in her room and it smells bad. The cat likes to jump on her clothes if she leaves the closet open and one day she came home and a lot of her clothes were on...
  • September 14, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
If the box smells, it's not being cleaned often enough. Cats are very fastidious.
  • September 14, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
The Kitty litter box needs to be cleaned at the very least every other day.... putting some baking soda in also helps with the smell. Once a week it should be all thrown out and....the box washed with soap and hot water...dried and new kitty litter put in.

Is your mom scared of all cats or just black...
  • September 15, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
We clean ours out every day and we use clorox and hot water to wash them. Yep, baking soda helps! It's way better than that awful stuff they sell to keep the odor bearable.
  • September 15, 2013
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Marge Pauls
I had a momma Siamese cat that dragged my best party dress off a hanger and had her kittens on it. Needless to say, it was ruined!
  • September 16, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
They rule! LOL!
  • September 16, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
Oh my lolz
  • September 18, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
They certainly can be mischeiveious but also funny too. I agree with what Linda said.
  • September 18, 2013
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✞★❤Lati Hall❤★✞
I forgot to say happy birthday!
  • September 14, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
  • September 18, 2013
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The neat thing about cats is that you don't have to claim them as something you 'own'. You can just keep putting food out and they'll 'visit'!
  • September 14, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
LOl I know that all too well - when I ended up with 13 one time a long time ago. I feel though that cats in a neighborhood like mine need to be kept indoors. We have marsh babies and birds, lizards etc. All kinds of wild life that cats hunt. I'm not positive, but I think this one has killed two bird...
  • September 18, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
If you decide to keep the present...get a little collar and put a bell on it...it'll alert the little creatures before kitty can do harm.
  • September 18, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
Red, cats have to eat too! When we watch those African animal shows where the lion kills the animal, I can't stand to look at them and Jim, the Native American says..."it's nature..the lion has to eat, Mona." Sooooo...keeping your cat indoors, is to protect it against getting hit by a car or some ot...
  • September 18, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Domesticated cats can live quite well indoors. They don't kill to eat ...they kill for the pleasure of the hunt. Quite unlike the lions who kill for sustenance.
Domesticated cats get to eat from a bowl that their human has provided for them.
  • September 18, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
Cats are no trouble at all. It takes 2 minutes to clean the box and 15 minutes to sterilize it once or twice a week. Feeding takes seconds. They give more love and comfort than any human. I rescued a black one that was outside because I was afraid it would get hit by a car or killed by the wild stra...
  • September 15, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
I had a black cat once. One time I had 13 cats before I found all but three good homes. The black cat was one I kept so it isn't anything about it's color lol. It's hard to explain why I am resisting but I have my reasons. I've enjoyed being free from the attachment to a pet. It may very well be a g...
  • September 18, 2013
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Mona Rainwater
Perhaps this cat was sent to you to help you on your journey of discovery.
  • September 15, 2013
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