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Why Ted Cruz Stood for Defunding Obamacare

A man stood up on Tuesday afternoon to oppose funding Obamacare. He was attacked Democrats, Stabbed in the back by Republicans and mocked by press, bloggers and so called conservative pundits.

I am referring to Ted Cruse who, with the help of Mike Lee and others, endured physical hardships as well as the slings and arrows of outrageous hypocrisy from both parties as well as the mainstream press. Their accusation that this was a futile, political stunt indicates that they probably did not watch much it. If anyone heard the case he laid out for defunding Obamacare and really listened with an open mind, they would not spew out such garbage.

Moreover, people who ridicule Senator Cruz  with the phrase “faux filibuster”  is saying that it is OK to shut down opposing views by invoking little used procedural rules, as Harry Reid did. They are saying that those who hold power have the authority to say “we run the government; we make the rules, so sit down and shut up”. If Harry Reid was in charge of the senate in the movie” Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” the ending would have been very different.

We are told that this was a political stunt to help ted Cruz in the presidential primaries. Really, are we to believe that the party that gave us two Bushes, McCain, Bob Dole and Mitt Romney would suddenly favor a candidate that was not a progressive or left leaning, or a middle of the road, milk toast, big government moderate? It is more likely this so called “stunt” will get Ted Cruz ostracized by his peers and kept out of committees. That is how people of character are treated by the elite in Washington.

In a way we cannot blame the pundits and politicians for misconstruing Cruz’s intentions. May be they are too used to corruption in government or maybe they are projecting their own motivations onto Senator Cruz. Either way it says more about them and our system then it does about Senator Cruz. If we allow Ted Cruz to be destroyed for doing what he promised he would do if elected, then the American people deserve tyranny.

We are told that it is not good strategy, that it may hurt Republicans in 2014, and that it will not work. I would ask you to consider, what do the people that gave us McCain in 2008 and advised Romney in 2012 really know about strategy? Moreover the Government shutdown in 1995 was not the disaster that we are told that it was, it actually worked to give us a balanced budget and to reform welfare. Republicans actually gained Senate seats in an election that re-elected a Democratic president.

The Republican pundits that think that if they do nothing they will win big in 2014 and 2016 are wrong. You have only look at the 2012 elections to see how being “not as bad” as the Democrats works.

So why did he do it. The answer is simple. He HAD to do it. It may be hard for many Americans to believe it, but some people do what they promised to do and are honor bound to the right thing. Ted Cruz was elected to stop Obamacare, because it is a train wreck that will destroy healthcare in this country, is killing the economy and forcing people to lose full-time jobs.

Moreover, The United States Federal Government is headed for a debt crisis so we cannot afford to borrow money or print money to fund something that hurts more than it helps.

If your Representative was honest, and honorable they would be standing with Ted Cruse not snipping at him for doing what they should be doing. If you do not want Obamacare, if you think it is harmful to our healthcare system, our economy, and our liberty, then you, like Senator Cruz, have a moral obligation not to pay for it. Defunding Obamacare may not work, but maybe it will. At least, it will expose those politicians who are only pretending to be for liberty and the Constitution. So tell your representative to support the defunding of Obamacare. Ask them to vote against Cloture tomorrow and to have an honest vote on the House bill.

he was still talkin when i went to bed so that was about 8 am i think Rubio was on when i finally stopped watchin.. what a cool guy.. too bad they aren't all like him
  • September 27, 2013
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Safari Woman is online.
Great Blog Willis!!!!! Love this - so true -> We are told that it is not good strategy, that it may hurt Republicans in 2014, and that it will not work. I would ask you to consider, what do the people that gave us McCain in 2008 and advised Romney in 2012 really know about strategy?--- Anyone who sa...
  • September 27, 2013
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Carl Spencer
The GOP is barely a viable party for true conservatives anymore. Without leaders like Curz, I would say they were all but dead. Cruz stood on principle. Enough said.
  • September 27, 2013
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