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30 September, 2013 - Every now and then a genius is born somewhere on this planet. It does not happen often, but when we occasionally learn about such an individual we are stunned by his or her extraordinary abilities.

Is it possible that our brain posses superpowers?

Why are some people capable of performing acts others can only dream of? There is no real solid answer to these questions and the scientific opinion is divided on this topic.

Sometimes the most amazing abilities of the human brain are revealed exactly when things go wrong with it.

Savants - people who have extraordinary mental abilities are often referred to as super humans.

Savants can have amazing photographic memory, play music perfectly after hearing it just once, or do complex mathematical calculations in one's head.

However, savants are otherwise severely disabled in every day cognitive functions and social interaction.

We have previously discussed amazing people like for example, Stephen Wiltshire, who has been the called the "Human Camera".

Wiltshire's mind is unique and his photographic memory allows him to remember everything he has seen. When ordinary people visit a new place, they can normally recall a couple of buildings, some streets and a few details.

The mysterious brain of Daniel Tammetis considered a scientific Rosetta Stone.

Daniel Tammet has one of the most extraordinary brains on Earth!

Not only does Daniel Tammet possess exceptional mathematical abilities, but he is also very good with languages. He speaks ten languages and successfully demonstrated he learned a foreign language in just a week! Daniel Tammet's brain is different and he sees numbers as colors.

There are still many things scientists do not know about his condition and mysterious brain.

Jacob Barnett, is an American child prodigy who is an astonishing genius.

After being diagnosed with autism since the age of two and placed in his school's special ed. program, Jacob's teachers and doctors were astonished to learn he was able to teach calculus to college students.

At age nine, while playing with shapes, Jacob built a series of mathematical models that expanded Einstein's field of relativity.

Another wonder child is Indian-American born Pranav Veera from Ohio, USA. When Pranav was only six years-old he could recite the names of the U.S. presidents in the order they served in office. He was already able to say the alphabet backward and if you gave him a date back to 2000, and he would tell the day of the week. Amazing isn't it?


Read more at: http://www.messagetoeagle...



This is a fascinating subject. The brain appears to be the least complicated organ we possess but it's sure proven to be the most complex! I have a grasp of how the brain works but super intelligence? Befuddles me!
  • October 2, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
This is the interaction of software, the SOUL, with hardware, the BRAIN. We are more than our brain.
  • October 2, 2013
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