I've come in several times to blog or write down my thoughts just to get a brain cramp resulting in what I can only think of as writer's block. (Yep I'm there again.) What was I thinking when I set out to blog on at least a semi regular basis? It was a nice thought but I guess I'm not wired that way.

More importantly to me about this self made challenge is where I stand on the goals I made when I started. I didn't list them because they are personal to me. But I can note where I am so far.

1. A little

2. Close

3. Not even close

4. Stressing

5. Done

6. Reasonable Progress

7. What was I thinking?

8. Done

9. Done

10. Waiting until the end to check my progress but I feel like there has been some.

And that is the way it goes in life sometimes isn't it? We set out in a direction that requires many steps to be taken before we reach the end of our journey and not every step we take will be equal in stability, distance, weight, balance or ease. But what I've found is that unless we completely fall off of one of the steps in a direction that doesn't allow us to recover, as long as we keep moving forward, we will eventually reach where we set out to go. What shape we will be in when we get there is dependent on how well we took each step. We can forgive ourselves for not being perfect, but we can't forgive ourselves for not even trying.

And then what do we do when we get there? We might enjoy or regret where we are for a while but then we do what we always do, we move on and the process starts all over again.  Life is fluent, dreams grow or fade away, but we go on creating the reality we came to experience, to learn from, grow from, be challenged by and celebrate.

Time flies, life is short, and no matter what our goals are, if love is not at the center of them and written on every step that we take, then we miss our opportunity to experience the most we can get out of either.

So here I go on the final segment of this journey, while possibly not living up to my expectations of blogging about these days surrounding my birthday, I've decided it is only because I have been too busy living out my plan.

And now..... I'm off again but to do what? I will just keep moving forward in love, for love, with the power of love. God help me and keep me safe.  Smile

Topics: dreams, goals, plans, blogging
haha most of mine turn out like ur #7 !
  • October 7, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
  • October 7, 2013
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Marge Pauls
Funny--I have a list that looks just like that!
  • October 7, 2013
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Wanda Hope Carter
lol We'll get there one way or another!!
  • October 7, 2013
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