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In 1982, Ian McCormack of the film The Lazarus Phenomenon was an adventurous 26-year-old. He was diving for lobster on the island of Mauritius (in the southwest Indian Ocean) one evening and was stung by five box jellyfish – one of the most venomous creatures in the world. What happened next changed his life forever…

Watch the video here...

Wanda Hope Carter
I've been stung by jelly fish but nothing like this of course. What a wonderful story of miracles. 
  • December 22, 2013
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lol.....I resist video's! But I get the point and it gives me chills. Last night I lay in bed thinking about our brains and how it records every sight, odor and feeling. There HAS to be a reason! So I'm coming around too.
  • December 22, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
LOL! The fella talks about how he saw himself as spirit after he died...he found himself in a cold dark place which he refers to as Hell...though I believe it is a holding place between Heaven and Hell for those who have sinned but not bad enough to send them downwards....a place where you are basic...
  • December 22, 2013
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Safari Woman
The video posted in your group - the road to Armageddon - has an illustration of the circles of existence - like a target - the center is hell - the next circle around it is something like what some think of as purgatory - much like what you are describing and earth is in the third circle and this i...
  • December 22, 2013
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