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I received the two links below from a friend, a radiation physicist PhD, whom I had asked to evaluate the danger levels of migrating radiation. He has commented that many of the types of radiation involved, the isotopes, have a very short halflife. Spikes in atmospheric radiation can well be due to temporary thin spots in the ozone layer, which are normal occurences.

The post selling the "emergency" is written by someone from "Occupy Corporatism" -- questionable in my book:

A debunking analysis appears on Snopes, here:

While I by no means trust everything Snopes prints, in my opinion, the Fukushima story should be investigated with a salt shaker in hand.


Topics: Kukushima hoax
Sitara Singley
I don't know. It would be very convient for the global elite to plan something like this. My mind is open though.
  • January 1, 2014
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Safari Woman
Thanks for sharing this! I've read comments long these lines and I think it is very possible that there is a lot of fear mongering going on with this issue. But - I don't think I feel that there is no danger - just that it isn't as bad as the fear mongers are making it out to be. The doom and gloome...
  • January 1, 2014
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