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2014-03-01 13:06:09-05

One of the largest and longest studies of mammography to date, involving 90,000 women followed for 25 years, found that mammograms have absolutely NO impact on breast cancer mortality. Several studies over the past few years have concluded that mammograms do not save lives, and may actually harm more women than they help, courtesy of false positives, overtreatment, and radiation-induced cancers. Besides the harm caused by overtreatment, the wisdom of radiating your breasts year after year, for decades, is questionable at best, considering the fact that ionizing radiation can cause cancer. Beware of the “new and improved” type of mammogram called 3D tomosynthesis, as it exposes you to even HIGHER doses of radiation than a standard mammogram.



Wanda Hope Carter
I've had one and came to the conclusion that it was likely a ins. rip off... I do self exams... when it is my time I will go and nothing I can do will change that anyway.
  • March 4, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I'm looking into finding out if the clinic here does Thermography instead. No radiation to have to be concerned about...
  • March 4, 2014
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