EUTimes is at it again! Of course - would we have expected less? EUTimes is a disinfo source related to Sorcha Faael, infamous internet hoaxer. Search the name, look through the old articles that all start out pretty much the same "Kremlin today, Russia, Putin, etc etc etc. NONE of these stories ever pan out to be true. EUTimes fools many because they also pull in real news stories into their site content.

PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED BY THIS! We have enough real stuff to worry about and this is just intended to distract, confuse and demoralize.

Don't forget - EUTimes - not at all to be trusted.

I'm including the link to the site/article in reference below. If you haven't been there before this might be a very educational opportunity IF you remember, they mix truth with lies. This is done by a very long time internet participant who has released these kinds of stories for many years. That the site looks professional and that they pull in legitimate stories shows how far he has come since he began posting these types of things on forums and in emails. I have been aware of this person by following the stories since at least 2008 and he was already around long before that according to information already on line at that time. This is nothing new but the success of the articles being passed around is profound considering the history of the author and the site.


Redneck Angel Warrior
It's as bad as the Onion!
  • March 17, 2014
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Safari Woman
At least people understand the Onion is a joke. I bet tomorrow I will log onto any network like FB or Twitter and find this at least a half a dozen times or more, posted by someone who thinks it is true or at least a reasonable conspiracy. Bah.. I seriously get frustrated when I see these. I hate th...
  • March 17, 2014
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Carl Spencer
I believe you were the one who caught me posting one of these conspiracy stories on Facebook and informed me about Sorcha and EUTimes' reputation. In fact I think that is how I became more familiar with your posts after doing an investigation on it. Not too many would know about this fraud and the s...
  • March 17, 2014
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Safari Woman
lol If I saw you post it I'm sure I responded. I always do. It would give me great pleasure to help shut this disinfo agent down.
  • March 17, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I've commented on other blogs when they've posted from EUTimes or Sorcha.... I've informed them of the lies and distortions in the article.

Didn't make me popular but hey, at least the message was given!
  • March 17, 2014
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Safari Woman
lol yep - At least two people that I know of removed me from their friend list on FB because I pointed out their source and info on Sorcha. If it was me, I would be so happy that someone taught me something valuable instead of removing them from my friend list! lol And you know me, I wasn't rude or ...
  • March 17, 2014
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Danny Jeffrey
I have not been here in a while. Terribly busy on research. This you may find useful
  • March 18, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior

Good to see you here again!

I have a question...why would Natural News be a conspiracy site? Most of what I have found on there is pretty good. Like any site, they do have some that have made me question the sanity of the author...but over all it's not way out there.
  • March 19, 2014
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Danny Jeffrey
It is an anti science conspiracy website. You said yourself that sometimes you must question the author's sanity. When I do that I move on. I am a hard core truth-a-holic.
Sites that I depend on for that truth:
  • March 19, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
They have different authors and pull their information usually from other links....If I question what is being told I try to find what the original posts are saying.

I am a hard-core truthaholic also. Though I will say that none of us are perfect and do make mistakes....

The biggest mistake most peop...
  • March 19, 2014
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Danny Jeffrey
I would be the first to admit that medical science is far from perfect and that there are many useful herbs in nature. You pointed out something that well reveals my disdain for such sites. They pull from a variety of sources, some reliable, some far from it and that can be said about many of the si...
  • March 19, 2014
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Safari Woman
Thanks also for this link! The main thing people need to learn is not to be reactionary until they have had the opportunity to validate or verify their sources or the liklihood of truth that they might find in any source. Sometimes just a simple title check is all that is needed. Other times, people...
  • March 20, 2014
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Danny Jeffrey
Lately I have seen so much junk on the internet that I figured that it was time to address the problem...
  • March 19, 2014
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Safari Woman
Hi Danny, First, welcome back! Thanks for this link. There is enough propaganda and lies in the mainstream without people thinking they've found an alternative source that is even worse than the state fed news pablum.
  • March 20, 2014
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Danny Jeffrey
Another segment of the library that I am building.
  • March 20, 2014
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Safari Woman
Horrors might not be a strong enough word... How could anyone turn a blind eye to the reality of the types of people we are dealing with when so much evidence exists? Brainwashing and ignorance I guess?
  • March 20, 2014
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Danny Jeffrey
  • March 20, 2014
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