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by StMA

Obama vs. Putin

The Washington Post reports on March 4, 2014, that the Obama administration’s pledge of a $1 BILLION aid package for Ukraine has bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate.

Sen. Christopher Murphy (D-Conn.), a member of the Senate panel who visited Ukraine in December to meet with opposition figures, said that a proposal combining aid to Ukraine with sanctions against Russian officials “will enjoy broad Democratic and Republicansupport on the committee.”

Leaving aside the facts that the United States has a national debt more than $17½ TRILLION (more than 108% of America’s GDP) and that the Obama administration wants to reduce the size of the U.S. military to pre-WWII levels due to budget constraints, there is another problem with the proposed $1 BILLION <del>“aid”</del> gift to Ukraine:


From Voice of Russia, March 11, 2014:

The Russian Foreign Ministry said [...] the plans of the US administration to allocate $1 billion to the current authorities in Kiev contradict existing US laws.

Indeedin accordance with the amendments made several years ago to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961,’ it is banned to provide financial aide to thegovernment of any country, whose president elected legitimately has been overthrown as a result of a military coup or unlawful decision, the statement said.

This standard is stipulated in the section 22 paragraph 8422 of the US law code, ‘thus under all criteria allocating funds to the illegitimate regime, which seized the power with force, is illegal and is outside the framework of the US legal system,’ the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Read it all at:








Safari Woman
  • March 26, 2014
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Willis Pebble
Why all this fuss over Putin and Russia invading the Ukraine? We do not need to send a Billion to anybody. Obama should call up Hillary to present Putin with another reset button. Yeh, that's the ticket.
  • March 27, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Obama has to keep his finger in the pie in Ukraine. His puppet masters ( Saudi's) don't want that Russian oil to bring down oil prices for them as then they can't fund terrorist groups as easily.

Obama and his minions did this whole thing in Ukraine... they decided that the President of Ukraine need...
  • March 27, 2014
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