Contrary to popular belief, a large majority of Americans dislike big government and view the media as propaganda outlets. Social media could be the catalyst that could bring these like minded individuals together and form powerful advocacy groups  to begin making  changes to our broken 2-party system

Safari Woman is online.
I've been thinking about this a lot - and I go back and forth with my thoughts on a third party. Within the realm of my idealism, I like the idea. But in the realm of reality I am not sure we would like the consequences. Such a small percentage of people actually vote. And most of the lefty voters l...
  • November 8, 2012
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Jerry Rolison
You see third parties the same as I do. Forming parties and producing candidates also allows the establishment to use propaganda outlets to demonize and destroy them (tea party is an example of this). However, forming social media advocacy groups functioning similar to the NRA in picking and endorsi...
  • November 8, 2012
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Safari Woman is online.
I am hoping to goodness that once I start promoting this site genuinely that we might become a social media advocacy group. I have a long way to go but over time that is my vision. It will take me a while to build the rest of the framework. Then genuine promotion can occur.

I think I understand what ...
  • November 8, 2012
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Jerry Rolison
This is an example of the polling in the article that favored conservative ideals. Platforms could easily be built around these polling results and would be very attractive to a large number of voters. The abortion answer is simple. It is a state issue and not a federal government issue. Roe v Wade ...
  • November 9, 2012
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Safari Woman is online.
I agree with what you've said about abortion - look how the left took women fifty years back and turned them into reproductive vehicles above all else! A simple State's Rights should suffice but you know how the propaganda machine media will hound any candidate on this and if they have a previous re...
  • November 9, 2012
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Sarah Paskowitz
The parties are broken because the people in them are broken.  
  • November 8, 2012
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Safari Woman is online.
BTW a related link to what we were just talking about - hmm http://greaterfitchburgfo...
  • November 9, 2012
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