Wednesday, April 16, 2014
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)


NaturalNews) It is now emerging that the Bureau of Land Management committed horrific atrocities against cattle during its armed occupation and siege of the Bundy Ranch near Bunkerville, Nevada. Photos are now emerging of the mass graves where BLM hastily tried to bury the cattle they killed. BLM agents used government helicopters to run down cattle in 90+ degree heat while shooting the cows that couldn't keep up. The cattle that survived were then corralled into abusive "bovine concentration camps" that resulted in many cattle dying from dehydration and stress.

In an attempt to cover it up, BLM used machinery equipment to construct mass graves, but the arrival of armed citizens who faced off against the federal agents caused BLM to have to evacuate the area, leaving their cattle atrocities easily spotted by the public. (See photo below of one of the cows killed by BLM.)

BLM engage in horrific animal atrocities and abuse of animals

It is now emerging that scores of Bundy's cattle were abused and killed, with many being dumped into mass graves. This story was first revealed by This is on top of the tasering, beating, wrong arrests and threatening of citizens with attack dogs during last week's standoff.

In all, some $3 million of taxpayer money was spent by the government to illegally steal those cattle, only to sell many of them across the Nevada state line in Utah and California, according to 21st Century Wire.

Here's just one photo of the cattle slaughtered by the BLM. Many more photos are on the way, according to our sources. The mass graves are being exhumed right this minute, and the findings are heartbreaking:

Here's a photo taken from the air of the BLM's secret bovine concentration camps. After this photo was released, the BLM ordered the FAA to shut down the air space over the ranch, creating a wartime "no fly zone" to prevent more pictures from being taken:

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  • April 17, 2014
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