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The Florida Council of 100 wants Common Core; Florida officials gave it to them. We deserve to know why!

I would like to suggest a last ditch effort to repeal common core in Florida. All efforts to appeal to our elected officials have not worked. if you are like me you must have wondered why politicians who espouse smaller government and parental rights seemly ignore or even encourage the obvious destruction of both. People we once respected and even admired seemed to have turned their back us and their own principles.

In Florida, We have been calling our governor, our state legislatures, and every other pertinent elected or appointed official of a year, trying to convince them to stop common core. Now there are bills that will do just that in both Florida houses; HB25 and SB1316. However these bill will never see the light of day. Both are going to die in committee. Now we know why. We learned that we never had a chance to get rid of common core. The fix was in, no matter what the parents and teachers of Florida wanted, Florida was keeping common core.

This video shows Will Weatherford, the Speaker of the Florida House assuring the Florida Council of 100 (FC100)that we are keeping common core and the assessments. Representative Weatherford said "Florida is going to have a higher standard they're going to be common core standards are going to be applicable to the rest of the country they may be called something else I don't know but at the end of the day the actual standards will be there in the state of Florida will support them and we will have an assessment to determine how our students are learning we will have that”

So there we have it! We can call, beg, threaten and plead, and still we will have common core in the fall in Florida. The common core train wreck has left the station and the people we elected will not do a thing to stop it because that do they work for the The FC100, not their constituents. Many of our legislators are not running this year or running unopposed so are unwilling to run the risk of opposing Jeb Bush or other behind the scenes powers. Other then an intrepid or astute few, most do not give a damn what we think or want. We will address this in the future by using this years record on common core as a litmus test, pass or fail, and we will remember. However, this next few weeks we must continue to try to encourage our legislators and our Governor to stop common core and thank those who already are. However, now we to bring the issue to the real masters, The individual members of the Florida Council of 100.

The business men and women on the FC100 enjoy a level of privileged access and influence that we, as voters, do not have. However, the leaders of these business must be made to realize that, they too, face votes in the form of competition, not just on election day but everyday By agreeing with the FC100 , by acquiescence or with silence they become responsible for the actions of the Council. We need only to point out the parent and teacher rebellion that occurred in New York State, the first state to fully implement common core. Common core ia an unmitigated disaster on so many levels. It is the quintessential example of both crony capitalism and government overreach. However, it is the harm that is does to our children that will spark the backlash against common core a and all of it's proponents. We, the first small wave of what will be the tsunami generated from the backlash against common core; must convince the business leaders in the FC100, that backing common core will not be profitable to them.

We should contact the members of the FC100 and ask them if they are supporting Common core? Ask them if they personally approved of the letters that the Council sent to Florida officials and elected leadership thanking them for supporting common core. The letter one to the Florida Senate Leader, Gaetz and speaker of the Florida House, Will Weatherford , another to Governor Scott in 2013 and one to Florida State Board of Education Chair Gary Chartrand, in 2014, thanking them for supporting common core. Ask them if they actually know what common core really is and how harmful it is to our children? If we cannot get anywhere with the people like Weatherford, Gaetz, Scott and Stewart, then we need to go up the chain of command and contact the Council of 100 members themselves and ask them: why they support common core and to tell them why we do not!

Below is a list of the members that I have been able to find. As I find more information i will update the contacjt information. However if I receive no repoonse I will assume that it is not a good idea and will not be updating the contact list.
If anyone want to take this rpogect and carry it out on thier own or in a more effective manner, plese do! You are welcom to use any or all of the information or idea from anything I do on common core. Becasue it is better late then never, I and my friends will be uploading to the website a host of links about common core, broke down by subject. The links will be updated and discriptive comments added until common core is gone. so mcheck back. please, use what you need, I do not care who profits from stopping common core, just about stopping it.
Thank you and God bless anyone who helps protect our children!

The Florida Council of 100

Note: Any contact information that can be found on the members will be posted on this blog on teamnetworks, feel free to add a post or comment, so please check back. And update us if you learn anything that will help us fight common core.this list is an ongoing project please comment to add We know some of the business leaders o the council. They may be your friends or neighbors. We should find out they support common core. May be they need a little education about education. However, I would point out that the following members of the Florida Council of 100 also serve as a members as Board of Directors for the Foundation for Florida’s Future one of of Jeb Bush's so called "charities":

Susan Pareigis President and CEO of the Florida Council of 100
Carlos J. Alfonso Chief Executive Officer Alliant Partners LLC/Alfonso Architects Carlos Alfonso
Lou Plasencia Chairman and CEO The Plasencia Group
Manny A. Fernandez Chairman Sysco Corporation
David F. Dyer David F. Dyer President and CEO Chico’s FAS, Inc.


Steven T. Halverson Steven T. Halverson Chair President and CEO, the Haskell Company spoke info - Member of http://www.changeeducatio...

Rhea F. Law Rhea F. Law Vice-Chair Chair of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Fowler White Boggs, P.A.

Barney Barnett Barney Barnett Treasurer Vice Chairman, Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Susan Pareigis Susan Pareigis President & CEO

Florida Council of 100 Board of Directors

Carlos J. Alfonso Carlos J. Alfonso Chief Executive Officer Alliant Partners LLC/Alfonso Architects

Lee E. Arnold, Jr. Lee E. Arnold, Jr. Chairman and CEO Colliers International Tampa Bay, Central & SW Florida

Allan G. Bense Allan G. Bense President and CEO Bense Enterprises, Inc. R. Mark Bostick

R. Mark Bostick President Comcar Industries, Inc.

Edward E. Burr Edward E. Burr President and CEO Greenpointe Holdings, LLC

Dean Colson Dean Colson Managing Partner Colson Hicks Eidson

Christopher Corr President, Terra Point Services, Inc. Rayonier

Marshall M. Criser, Jr. Marshall M. Criser, Jr. Lawyer/President Emeritus University of Florida

Marshall M. Criser, III Marshall M. Criser, III Immediate Past Chair

Remedios Diaz-Oliver Remedios Diaz-Oliver President and CEO All American Containers, Inc.

David F. Dyer David F. Dyer President and CEO Chico’s FAS, Inc.

Manny A. Fernandez Manny A. Fernandez Chairman Sysco Corporation

F. Philip Handy F. Philip Handy Chief Executive Officer Strategic Industries, LLC

Benjamin H. Hill, III Benjamin H. Hill, III Chairman and President Hill Ward Henderson, P.A.

Mike Jackson Mike Jackson Chairman and CEO AutoNation

Leerie T. Jenkins, Jr. Leerie T. Jenkins, Jr.Chairman of the Board Reynolds, Smith and Hills, Inc.

Sydney W. Kitson Sydney W. Kitson Chairman and CEO Kitson & Partners

Stephen Knopik Stephen Knopik Chief Executive Officer Beall’s Inc.

Paul Leone Paul Leone President, Flager System, Inc. The Breakers Hotel

Fred Leonhardt Fred Leonhardt Chairman, Policy Board of Directors Gray Robinson Law Firm

Scott Lutgert Scott Lutgert Chairman The Lutgert Companies

Lou Plasencia Lou Plasencia Chairman and CEO The Plasencia Group

Peter S. Rummell Peter S. Rummell Rummell Company, LLC Kathleen Shanahan

Kathleen Shanahan Chair of the Board Uretek Holdings, Inc. William G. Smith, Jr.

William G. Smith, Jr. Chairman, President and CEO Capital City Bank Group, Inc.

Rasesh Thakkar Rasesh Thakkar Senior Managing Partner Tavistock Group

Stella Ferguson Thayer Stella Ferguson Thayer President Tampa Bay Downs, Inc.

Meet Our Team Susan Peerages Susan Parities President & CEO

Steven Birnholz Steven Birnholz Vice President for Research

Sandy Moore Sandy Moore Administrative Assistant

Florida Council of 100 Formed in 1961, the Florida Council of 100 is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of business, civic, and academic leaders, which exists to promote the economic growth of Florida and a high quality of life for its citizens.

102 West Whiting Street Suite 200 Tampa, Florida 33602

phone: 813-229-1775 Fax: 813-229-6560
There is only one week to stop common core this year!
Weatherford Assured Corporate Overlords that Plan was to Change CCSS in Name Only in November of 2013
Safari Woman
Thanks! I wonder if when calls are made, if the conversation is kept non oppositional and more inquisitive if maybe you might find out more about who, what, when where and why. At least you will know the "official" position and usually when you approach as either a supporter or just interested in to...
  • April 18, 2014
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Willis Pebble
I am working on getting the message out to common core opponents so the Florida 100 council will be flooded with emails and called, but I do not have a big voice. If enough call the bushiness will tell the republicrats to stop the common core fiasco. Now we have New York as an example
But I really w...
  • April 18, 2014
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Safari Woman
Don't give up! I just posted an article on Bobby Jhindal previously a supporter pulling back on it --
  • April 20, 2014
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