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March 26, 2014

What is Reiki, exactly?

The Reiki system of healing uses universal life force energy. Reiki originated in Japan, although one of the two branches is called Western Reiki, which is commonly practiced in the US. Both forms include the same basic features, such as being safe (no one can do any harm with the Reiki energy), intelligent (the energy knows where to go and what to do to help you), natural (no other tools or instruments are needed besides the Reiki practitioner, who channels the Reiki energy through his hands), and gentle (the practitioner places her hands softly on the body or just above the body. Practitioners don’t use massage or manipulation). Other great benefits of Reiki are the facts that it’s easy to learn, is teachable in three classes, and the knowledge of how to channel Reiki last for life.

1. Connection with the Universe: Reiki connects you to universal energy, thereby allowing you access to healing for yourself whenever you might need it. Plus, being plugged into the Universe means you can balance your body, mind and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing.

2. Connection to Your Spirituality: Reiki brings you closer to your Higher Self, which is an essential part of anyone’s spirituality. The perks of being more in tune with your High Self include being more intuitive, helping you make better decisions and giving an overall feeling of wholeness, as if a missing piece of your life’s puzzle has fallen into place.

3. Detressing: happier people live longer. It’s a fact. Lowering the stress in your life is essential to keeping illnesses and ailments at bay from your body. Reiki is an excellent tool to keeping your heart and mind calm, and connected to an inner peace that will be an asset in troubled times. You will gain a sense of real self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded you previously.

4. Rejuvenation of the Body: we put natural wear and tear on our bodies on a daily basis, whether through exercise or simply walking around the office. Between that and the toxins in our environment, our bodies are in desperate need of healing. Self-healing on a physical level helps prevent sickness, whether it’s one you’ve already had or one that you may have, and aids our injuries in healing fully. There is a plethora of ailments that Reiki helps soothe, from mild back pain to even cancer, according to Reiki experts.

 5. Direction for Your Life: once again, you are more plugged into the Unvierse through the practice of Reiki. Therefore, you will be much closer to finding your true purpose and calling through learning Reiki, as you become reconnected with the Divine in your life. Let your mind be opened up through practicing Reiki, thus freeing up yourself and your spirit.

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Safari Woman
It is very big in Hawaii ...
  • April 21, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yes... Dr. Usui Reiki method was to taught Hawayo Takata from Hawaii, She had been brought to the clinic in Japan to have an operation for a tumor. She didn't have the operation... she had Reiki treatments which lessened her illness. When her treatments were almost finished she asked to be taught bu...
  • April 21, 2014
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