(NaturalNews) The most important cancer documentary series ever produced -- what I'm calling the "Healing event of the year!" -- has now arrived. It's called The Truth About Cancer and it's a professionally-produced video documentary series that launches in just a few days, on May 26th.

The Truth About Cancer features video interviews with 29 amazing experts, including people I consider to be the very top cancer experts in the world today. In this series, you'll hear from people like:

Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez
Dr. Rashid Buttar
G. Edward Griffin
Dr. Keith Scott Mumby
Dr. Patrick Quillin
Dr. David Jockers
Suzanne Somers

... and yes, the Health Ranger is interviewed too!

Click here to register to see all the videos for free.

Lifesaving wisdom for humanity

While the for-profit cancer industry is really only interested in making money off cancer "treatments," what humanity really needs is a revolution in cancer wisdom that teaches strategies to prevent, halt and even reverse various types of cancer.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.co...

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