Sunshine State News has an article called "Will Weatherford Shows No Signs of Leaving Political Stage.

As a parent opposed to common core, I hope he stays on the stage, the next stage out of town.

Wonder why we still have common core (named changed to protect to guilty)? It is because back on November 24, 2013, Will Weatherford the Speaker of the Florida House promised the Florida Council of 100, a big business group, that Florida is keeping the common core, and we did. In spite of growing opposition in his own party, The Republican National Committee (RNC) , and half of the State’s local Republican Executive Committees passing resolutions against common core.

The Florida Council of 100 received $315,000, from the UNESCO backer and main common core funder Bill Gates, to pay for "Global Policy & Advocacy”. Whatever Will Weatherford does now, you can bet it will be in line with what Bill Gates and Bill's henchman Jeb Bush wants him to do.

Will Weatherford wants to run for "Higher Office", of course he does. That is why he sold our children to the Florida Council of 100, Jeb Bush, bill gates, the Feds and all the other Big Education cronies
Let’s see how high he can climb with the unpopular and soon to be massively hated common core hung around his neck. He owns it we need to make him pay the bill.

Safari Woman
  • July 3, 2014
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