We need to stop this emergency Border Crises bill. Not because Harry Reed could conference it with the Gang of Eight bill, giving us amnesty, But because the John Boehner is pushing an amnesty bill on his own.

This crisis was predictable and perpetrated by this administration. If Obama wants to come out now and say he will have to take money from other departments to care for the people coming across his open border, I say GOOD. Let’s start with the EPA and the Department of Education. They have no legal right to exist and the suck the life out of our people and our businesses. If he won’t start there; let him pound sand.


Mark Levin pointed out that this border security bill has three provisions that will allow the Obama administration to keep the illegal immigrants here virtually forever, in short, an amnesty bill.  We are supposed to like this bill because we are told that Harry Reed and Obama do not like it. First of all whatever those two say is irrelevant to any discussion, since they have an overwhelming tendency to lie. They lie when the facts are clearly against them, so why should we trust their mere opinion. John Boehner’s opinion is also somewhat dubious so we will have to read the bill, alternatively we could read excerpts of the bill or analysis from someone more trustworthy then the president. Which unfortunately, is a large segment of the all living things on earth?


Brietbart’s reports that Bob Dane of F.A.I.R. said pointed out these things about the bill


On pages 16 through 19 of the 50-page bill, Dane from FAIR says, section 103 details how any “illegal alien minor from Central America, who entered within the last year and a half” can “file a motion to get either his notice to appear or final order of removal expunged.”


“The bill then allows the illegal alien minors to immediately apply for admission to the U.S. – without going home and without any penalties,” Dane said in an email.


Dane said this is “simply astonishing” and that folks can “call it amnesty if you wish.” 


“It’s certainly a middle finger to every immigration judge that has issued a removal order for the past year and a half

Also there is the danger that this bill would go to conferences and then Harry Reed will decide what our immigration policy is for the next twenty years.

Oh how I wish Boner was young! His career would be over if I had anything to do with it. He'd be a sh*t spreader for a fertilizer plant.
  • August 1, 2014
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Dale Barnes
The leftists never let a crisis go to waste. If there is no crisis, they invent one. I agree with you, this was predictable.
  • August 1, 2014
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