I really enjoy TeamNetworks.Net and the great people I have met here!
I sponsored this ad to show some love. :)

In this part one, I am posting a few things that I already had on hand to show the extent of information that can be known by the sites you visit. Even if you accidentally click a link and are only there for a brief second it doesn't matter, because in that second your ip is registered on their server and from there the information pours in. I plan to continue this series as I think people are unaware of what even a quick visit to a website may reveal about them. I believe most sites that are serious about making their site a business or whose site is part of a business outreach are very serious about the collecting and spreading of such data.

Because what is shown here in part one is the tip of the iceberg and there is much more to share, the solutions will be explained at the end of the series of articles. This is because there is no one solution and an understanding of all of the factors need to be taken into consideration when making a solution plan as every one uses the internet differently.

In these times with such a heated political atmosphere, we must also be aware that there may be fake sites, that fish for this information based on political ideology. So for example, if you want to spy on conservatives, you set up a site that caters to their ideology and then start data mining those who show up to read or use the site. I'm sure by now this type of "phishing" is rampant because the cost is not prohibitive for even a moderate group to be able to afford to do so. Therefore if small groups can afford to use these tools, just imagine what larger sites such as Facebook, Google, Amazon or Twitter may afford to know and even more concerning, is how they may use the information.

TeamNetworks.Net does NOT collect, analyze or share any information about it's members or visitors other than the most basic things that the site needs to recognize and facilitate the use of the site by members. We don't study you, psychologically analyze you, know your name, address, phone number, public records such as businesses that you own or have owned, the names of your family or what you have bought on line. All of those things and much more can be known by a savvy website set up for data mining.

Following is a brief description of items posted below.

I'll start with Visistat, a software program any site can add to it's server: How I wish I had saved screen shots of how their program works when I came across it years ago. All of the "private" details of your life that I mentioned above are easily discovered by the use of their system. Now they have hidden the "private" details in their demo but by visiting and clicking around you may get a good idea about the information it gathers and how it can integrate into a database which has stored the known information that is out there about you and your habits online.

VisitorSpy, is another program available for a very inexpensive rate. This program allows you to watch what people on your site do in real time.

Next up I've attached a list of 10 Smartest Web Analytics Tools, which are all inexpensive tracking systems available. Many are offer similar tracking as VisitorSpy and some will even follow your keystrokes.

I chose the Care2 petition site to show below because it and other petition sites are very cleverly collecting not only information that you voluntarily give them to sign a petition but also they can collect details about what kind of causes or political ideologies you associate with. Keep in mind that anything collected by one website, can easily end up in the possession of many others due to the trade or selling of such information. Psychological profiling is made completely simple and easy with the amount of data gathered throughout the net.

In these times would it be so far fetched to think that your signing a petition for a political cause mixed with your purchases of guns, ammo, flags, survival gear, etc. may not some day be used against you?

Copyright 2014 Wanda Hope Carter all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved.

Marge Pauls
Thanks, Wanda--good to know!
  • September 6, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
Goodness, I thought I had this set to private before I edited lol. I didn't add anything new but just cleaned up the errors. Anyway you got the gist of it and there are a lot of intrusive practices going on.
  • September 6, 2014
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Good God! I had no idea.
  • September 6, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
Most people don't know and I've just begun to show what is going on behind the scenes.
  • September 6, 2014
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I've noticed that sometimes if I visit a site I will start getting mails from other sites about what ever I was looking at.
  • September 10, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
Yep that happens because of sites but mostly it is related to the unscrupulous ad servers who spy and have access to the same data related to an ip as sites do.
  • September 10, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
How can they know my address and phone number? I'm not questioning what you say, I want to know how they do it! LOL
  • September 7, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
There are several ways, I'll go into that further in the future. One is - for example, every public data base available has been tapped and is available as services that have matched ip addresses to that information. It could come from online purchases, signing petitions which is really suspect in m...
  • September 8, 2014
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Janice  Vicks
Are you saying that there is a data base of information collected by a variety of sources that sites or ads can check us out from?
  • September 18, 2014
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Redneck Angel Warrior
This Visitorspy....Do you mean they can see you ...they watch what you are doing through the computer?.... does this only apply if one uses WIFI or uses Skype? We don't have a camera on our computer...so how would they be able to do this?

Also...if one has an unlisted phone number...they can't get th...
  • September 7, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
They can't see YOU, but they can see what you do online at their site such as the same as you can see your own computer screen keystrokes, where your mouse is, what you click etc. It is like taking a video screen shot of what is going on at the site.  PLUS if they have the other systems integrated t...
  • September 8, 2014
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Lucas Delgado
I have to block this out or I would probably never look at anything online.
  • September 7, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
Me too and moreso because I know so much more that is going on than this. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • September 8, 2014
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