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"It’s not about the Universe giving you what you want, when you want it. It’s about the Universe training you to be who you are. Assisting you in winning back the knowledge of who you REALLY are. Powerful. Whole. Abundant. Worthy Enough. Safe. Guided We might think we have problems, but the only real problem we have is that we are disconnected from our source. 

The universe will occasionally bring us to our knees, not as punishment, but to show us a better way. Unfortunately when things we have placed our trust in are taken away, we believe the universe is pitted against us. But the universe is, in fact, rooting for us. We think we’re being punished. We’re wrong. We’re being enlightened."

Safari Woman
ahhhhhhhhhh I'm tired of being trained, lemme loose already ! :-D
  • September 19, 2014
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