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Have you ever wondered how the US debt looks like? Here's a short visual guide:

$100 (One Hundred Dollars) - Most counterfeited money denomination in the world
and the lifeblood of global economy.

$10,000 (Ten Thousand Dollars) - Enough for a great vacation or to buy a used car.
The average global wage/year.

$1,000,000 (One Million Dollars) - This is 92 years of work for
the average human on earth 

$100,000,000 (One Hundred Million Dollars) - Fits nicely on an ISO / Military
standard sized pallet. The couch is made from $46.7 million of $100 bills.
It is also 1 year of work for 3500 Americans the average human on earth 

$1,000,000,000 (One Billion Dollars) - Interesting fact: $1 million dollars weighs
10kg exactly. You are looking at 10 tons of money on those pallets. 

1,000,000,000,000 (One Trillion Dollars) - If you spent $1 million a day since Jesus was
born, you would have not spent $1 trillion by now... but ~$700 billion - same amount the banks got during bailout. Here's how it looks like: 

US debt ceiling in 2012 - $16,394,000,000,000 when S&P downgraded the US

Statue of Liberty seems rather worried as United States national debt has passed 20% of the entire world's combined economy (GDP / Gross Domestic Product).

If the national debt would be laid in a single line of $1 bills, it would stretch from Earth, past Uranus.

As you read this, US Government debt has passed$17,852,000,000,000 and is pilling on at a frantic pace...

Janice  Vicks
At the end of the day, this debt is the biggest threat to America heads and shoulders above all the rest! I really don't know how we will ever get this under control. The democrats spend like drunken sailors who stay so drunk that they also get robbed at every port. The republicans are not stopping ...
  • October 3, 2014
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Steve Majors
Our government is worse then a bunch of drunken sailors.Because at least drunken sailors stop spending once their money is gone.While our government prints and borrows more money.To continue their reckless spending.
  • October 3, 2014
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Safari Woman
That's true. At least drunken sailors eventually run out of money. It is criminal that the house won't pass a balanced budget bill. Ridiculous! The whole lot of them in DC pretty much disgust me with a rare exception. They've allowed a possible usurper to take over our country without any checks and...
  • October 4, 2014
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It will never get paid Janet. That's the plan.
  • October 4, 2014
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Mike Blackwood
ive been ready for a taxpayer revolt and i think if we advertise free beer people will show up
  • October 4, 2014
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