Let's start with this choice bit of news first and work our way through to what will happen in the near future, as in 2013!  The day after Thanksgiving the U.S. Treasury borrowed a walloping $24 billion, 327 million, 048 thousand, 384.38.  That's right!  In more realistic terms since billions and trillions of dollars seem to have no effect on people, it means that everyone reading this, along with every household in the country now owes $211. 69 to the lender.  You can read that full report here: http://cnsnews.com/news/a...

So it should come as no surprise that we have a second news article showing us what we can expect from the stock market.  So please read that report here: http://www.moneynews.com/...

It doesn't really matter who won the election since 0bama would have made this happen regardless of the outcome of that "bought and paid-for" farce of a fair and honest election.  The usurper has done exactly what he intended to do all along: he has successfully in 4 short years bankrupted America.  I might add he had a lot of help along the way.  First would be four full years of no balanced budget: no budget period!  Second he had a complicit Congress.  The first two years we can fully lay at the feet of the Democrats, but the last two years falls directly at the feet of the whiner in the House: Speaker of the House, Boehner! 

We won't be tip-toeing our way out of this mess any time soon, and prices are going to skyrocket to the point where many will end up without homes, without vehicles to even live in, and without food OR even food stamps to help them obtain food.  When the country is broke: WE ARE ALL BROKE!





Safari Woman
We are all broke except the ones who don't pay for what they have anyway. They seem to be getting more and more all the time. This admin was hell bent on destroying America and they are succeeding! I can't say enough how much I despise every progressive or idiot (but I repeat myself) who supported h...
  • November 27, 2012
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