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The debate for and against the Flu Vaccine is vigorous. This article explores the issue and the reasons why "the push" exists to get the vaccine.

It’s that time of year again.

You can’t even go to stores without being bombarded with signs and displays promoting it.

Everywhere you go, people are talking about it.

After all, it is a very profitable time of year.

‘Tis the season, as they say.

No, I’m not referring to the holiday season – I’m referring to flu shot season.

What are the reasons the flu vaccine is being pushed onto us so forcefully? Is the flu THAT deadly? Does the government truly have our best interests in mind?

As someone with a health sciences background who has been researching vaccinations for over twenty years and has personal experience with vaccine reactions and failures, I have made an informed decision to opt out of getting the flu shot  The article tells why.


Topics: Flu vaccine, Health
Safari Woman
I won't get one. If I die from the flu so be it. But I'll not die or be sickened for life by a man made flu shot.
  • November 5, 2014
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Marge Pauls
I concur. Haven't had the flu in over 40 years--not since my last flu shot!
  • November 5, 2014
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doctors and nurses get fired if they don't get it; medical fascism at its finest. let all who are strong armed into getting the flu vaccine be surrounded with impenetrable light, let their immune systems turn the vaccines into strengthening elixir
  • November 6, 2014
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