I believe this to be factual, Folks. 

The Daily Currant ^ | 11/17/2014 | Unknown 

Posted on 11/22/2014, 12:36:20 PM by fantail 1952

The state of North Dakota has named a new publicly-owned landfill after President Barack Obama.


In an overwhelming 35-10 vote, the state Senate advanced a bill naming a 650-acre site currently under construction after the nation’s 44th president. Governor Jack Dalrymple is expected to sign the measure into law Tuesday.


When completed, the Barack Obama Memorial Landfill will be the largest waste disposal site in North Dakota, and the 17th largest in the United States. It will be especially rich in toxic waste from the local petroleum and medical industries.


“We wanted to do something to honor the president,” says Republican State Senator Doug Perlman, who was the lead sponsor of the bill. “And I think a pile of garbage is a fitting tribute to Obama’s presidency.


“We originally planned on naming it after a nearby mountain. But then someone jokingly suggested we name it after Obama. I never thought and idea like that would actually pass. But I was pleasantly surprised.”


The president is hardly popular in North Dakota. The most recent poll in December 2013 found that Obama has a 35% approval rating in the state, although that figure may have fallen further in the year since. Yet even considering the political climate, seasoned observers are surprised that two Democratic lawmakers voted for the bill’s passage.


“I supported Obama because I thought he would end the wars in the Middle East;” says Allison Mitchell, a progressive Democrat from Grand Forks. “But he decided to fight new wars abroad instead of fighting for single-payer health care and jobs here at home.


“I guess people expected me to oppose this landfill thing because I’m a Democrat. But honestly I don’t really care anymore. Maybe this small act of protest will wake him up.”


Ordinary citizens in the state also seem to approve of the government’s choice.


“I can’t think of a better name,” says Joe Blough, a plumber from Minot. “It’s darkly colored and it's full of sh!t. That pretty much sums up Obama.”

Linda Mihalic
How fitting. I'd propose memorializing all interstate rest stop bathrooms in his name.
  • November 23, 2014
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
I remember, back in the early 90's, Georgia had to close down some rest stops, because the gays had made them a place for sex. Very fitting your remark. ;-)
  • November 23, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
I think there were some in FL too, and yep that would make it all the more appropriate.
  • November 23, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
I'd have to hold it. I couldn't bring myself to say, please stop I have have to go to obama. lol
  • November 23, 2014
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Marge Pauls
Just picture yourself peeing on his head...
  • November 23, 2014
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
So sorry, I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.
  • November 23, 2014
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Marge Pauls
Waste of good waste?
  • November 23, 2014
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Far more constructive things to be done with that stuff, like trying to write your name in a snow bank.
  • November 23, 2014
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Marge Pauls
Guys got us beat there with that handy little gadgrt that's also great on picnics...
  • November 23, 2014
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
lol, dontcha know it.
  • November 23, 2014
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