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While Republicans were celebrating our hard won victories in the 2014 election, we were being betrayed. I can find no better word to describe the actions taken by the GOP leaders in Congress.

Speaker John Boehner and Harry Reid have agreed to pass an omnibus spending bill that would fund President Obama’s unconstitutional executive orders until September 2015.

The Omnibus bill is over 1600 pages long, was only presented to the members late last night, but the House will vote on it tomorrow morning. This is clearly to prevent us from knowing what is in the bill. This complete capitulation of the Republicans in Congress makes a mockery of their pre-election promises and will undermine any trust in the Republican Party for years to come.  Not only will it doom the Republican Party, it will shred any pretense of the Constitutional separation of powers.  It will be authorizing the President to make laws and enforce them, and to ignore the lapassed by congress. This must be stopped now.

I urge you to first call your congressional Representative and then call your Senators and tell them that you emphatically oppose  the ‘‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015’’

In addition call the office of the Speaker of the House John Boehner, Tell him that if he funds Obama's Executive amnesty, his legacy will be that he presided over the end of the legislative process and the destruction of the Republican party. Boehner promised to fight tooth and nail against executive amnesty, but striped the newly elected Republican led Congress of the only available weapon to fight it.

Let him know that we will call our Congressman and that we will not support them ever again if they vote for John Boehner as Speaker of the house on January 6th. tell Boehner's staff and you own Congressperson that this is not about immigration, it is about the executive takeover of Government, an executive run by one person. That is the definition of a dictatorship. If you think it can't happen here, you are wrong. We are already in the finial stages of the complete fundamental transformation of the United States into the United State. all we need is civil unrest, a terrorist attack or a race riot to usher in Marshal LawI urge you to first call your congressional Representative and then call your Senators and tell them that you emphatically oppose  the ‘‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015’’n addition call the office of the Speaker of the House John Boehner • H-232, The Capitol • Washington, DC • 202-225-0600Comment on Boehner’s Face book page Boehner’s  You tube page

Boehner’s Twitter  Page r

Boehner’s Website

Comment on the read the bill twitter page

For more information follow Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Network.


Safari Woman is online.
Thanks for the info! Good God. But I didn't celebrate that much. It is all superficial until action speaks louder than words. I'm about to post something else that got passed today that basically gives the president the right to spy on every citizen without warrant or cause. I know - we know it goes...
  • December 12, 2014
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Walter D.
I've worn out the numbers on my phone calling these jackasses.
  • December 12, 2014
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Joseph Ryan
Safari Woman, That is vary, very bad, Thank you for pointing it out. To be honest though, there is so much bad stuff in this bill, it is hard to know where to start. I think every bill is like this, it is only that we are paying attention to this one.
  • December 13, 2014
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Joseph Ryan
Walter D. Your calls may be working, I was only able to leave messages. I started calling Rubio's office this morning. Every time I leave a message I mention 2016 and Alan West along with the words Republican primary.
  • December 13, 2014
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