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Many think that our country is going to fail. Well, that is close but not quite true. It is our government that is going to fail, due to lack of leadership and straying from the principles set forth in our constitution. Many say that we want to be like Europe. Well there is more truth to that than meets the eye. Our government is transforming itself into something very similar to the E.U. in structure. The E.U. has nation states that hold their own sovereignty over the union itself. The Germans will always be more concerned with German affairs than with Greek, Italian and French affairs!

 Our Senate and House of Representatives have fragmented into caucuses, ethnic and social groups that hold their own individual affairs before the affairs of the people who elected them in the first place. We, the people, are losing our voice to the special interests and minorities, worrying about America’s black, Hispanic and Asian children’s educations and welfare, rather than America’s children’s education and welfare.

Is hope coming from this government? Well it seems that if you have experienced a disaster, then you are out of luck. Simply ask people who survived Katrina and now Sandy. The people do not concern the politician-- it’s their vote. Obama has promised the good people of America’s eastern shore everything, Yet,  while they still wonder when the power will return, The Great Leader Barrack Hussein Obama is back to doing what he does best, campaigning even though the election is are over!

 We must remember, we are the people of this great country. We control the government through elections, and when doing so, we must use our minds to determine who is right, not our hearts. The Progressive Communists will assault your emotions every time, and call you names like racist and bigot if you don’t see things their way, forcing the weakest to fall for the guilt that exists only in their heads. We the people must stay strong, look to our right and left and call each other brother and sister, because our government only sees votes.

 Consider this, you are lying in a stinking jungle and darkness is closing fast. You have fought the entire day and have had no resupply. Water, ammunition--sadly men are running low. You know that once darkness envelopes you, the enemy will launch his final major assault. You count your ammunition and find you have only five rounds, an entrenching tool and a fighting knife.

As the darkness comes, it is punctuated by shrieking whistles, the green streaks of tracers, and the snapping and buzzing of bullets just above your head. You have a faint taste of copper in your mouth. Your fear is further accentuated when a flare goes up and you realize the enemy is among you! You look to your right and left and see the faces of your friends, all Americans. Their faces are covered with filth and fear, but you have full trust in them just as they have in you to cover their backs in time of need… It’s time to go to work!

This is what America is about, we the people, our brothers and sisters, not the government that sends we the people to these places to die for political aspirations! Yes, our government may fail us, but we the people can save our country, by being Americans, not Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Democrats or Republicans.

Americans have the right to be exceptional. We have sacrificed more treasure and blood than any other country on this planet by saving the Europeans, Asians and Middle Eastern people from themselves. Why in God’s name would we want to be like them? We have suffered a setback, but we are not done yet. There is still a lot of fight left in our country, despite what the Progressive Communists have done and plan to do. We the people can save our country through faith, honor, sacrifice and trust in ourselves as brothers and sisters, not as politicians! Consider Obama’s second term as the final major assault on our sovereignty, swallow hard, pick up your entrenching tool and go to work!




Ralph L Hildebrand—Copyright 2012 all rights reserved.


Janice  Vicks
This is a very thoughtful well written blog and I enjoyed reading it. I am glad to know there are people who see these groups for what they really are. For four years I've been laughed at for using the word communists. Just lately have I heard a few others dare to say it.

... But........ There is som...
  • December 2, 2012
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Safari Woman
I have removed association with so many liberal friends since obama - I just can't stomach them anymore. Family - hell yeah I"ll speak up if need be. I love them always - but, they don't even realize they are hurting all of us including themselves. How to reach them is the big question I have. I don'...
  • December 2, 2012
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Safari Woman
Thank you for this fantasic blog! You said "We, the people, are losing our voice to the special interests and minorities, worrying about America’s black, Hispanic and Asian children’s educations and welfare, rather than America’s children’s education and welfare."

I agree and really with every thing ...
  • December 2, 2012
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Mike Blackwood
being i think elections r a joke i have 2 b-lieve most of us didnt really choose that SOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • December 2, 2012
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Cassie Simpson
Reading this made me feel like I was in the jungle! Scary thought. I really admire and respect those who have been there fighting for us!!
 I can't help but wonder if our elections are real or fake? If they are fake then no matter what we do will it matter? I am afraid to see where we are heading dur...
  • December 3, 2012
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Lucas Delgado
I take it you served. Thank you sir for your honorable service. If the country was made up of men like you, we wouldn't be in the situation that we are in now. 
  • December 3, 2012
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Janice  Vicks
Now we need to save ourselves!
  • December 3, 2012
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