Some years ago I had a physical problem that resulted in four surgeries because the first three didn't work. After round four on my second follow up Dr visit, I was told to come back in 6 weeks but it wasn't looking too positive for healing and if I didn't that all of my options were done with and the results would have been life altering. In desperation I rememberd something a friend told me when I visited him in a healing center in Scotland. He was telling me of another healing center he worked at previously in Spain where they used a certain cleanse diet program, yoga, massage and meditation. He cured himself of cancer with the methods and he told me he had seen real miracles there.

I had nothing to lose and tried the cleanse. Six weeks later when I returned for my last Dr visit he and his staff were stunned that I was completely healed.  I won't mention the name of the cleanse but if anyone wants to know what it is, just mail me here. What I want to point out about it is that the nutritoional part of the program was based on a strict alkaline diet. The chart in the article below is easy to follow and the brief information contains the most important aspects of why alkaline is healing and how it works. Whether it is cancer or any other healing that your body needs, I personally have a lot of faith in the theories behind using an alkaline diet and am passing it on in hopes it might help.


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