Mannnnnnnnn waiting waiting waiting waiting for someone to pick up the darn phone at obamaisacommieanddon' so I can grill them about the private plans - previously I talked to someone there only about signing up as an employer. (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr) And yes this is validated, if I enroll and don't take the plan (because they won't give you a quote until you ENROLL) then - obama can still count me in the number of new enrollees... What a crock. As I said before - the bcbs agent told me my best rate was 765 and that was the rate I would get based on the info I gave him. The site itself showed me at around 190 with subsidies which I'm told so far everywhere I don't qualify for. And  I've discovered why so many people who got subsidies are now having to pay them back, because it isn't clear if one's spouse has insurance and the policy can add you, then you aren't qualified. Or else they lied about their income or their income changed from when they applied. Who knows... I am finding it so screwed up..

Safari Woman
Still on hold.... since their music sound goes down when I talk, I suspect they also record while you hold, SO I just told them Ocare sucks. I'm going to see if I can write a quick poem to match their music and "rap" it to the listeners while I wait. Might as well have a little fun out of this. (Or...
  • February 12, 2015
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Safari Woman
Obamadon'tcare I couldn't keep my doctor, I couldn't keep my plan, Obama was lying but who cares cuz he's THE MAN. ...........
  • February 12, 2015
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Keep truckin`! Be patient and give `em hell!
  • February 12, 2015
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