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"Mommy" is just a small, two-syllable word, and yet it is so important to everyone of us. Often the first word spoken by babies, "Mommy" represents the magical heart of the ever-expanding universe of young children. The relationship between a child and its mother or mother figure cannot be compared to any other human relationship.

In the best of worlds, "Mommy" evokes gentleness and firmness, kisses and hugs. She is the angel of the night come to rescue us from nightmares. She is the nurse who tends to scraped knees, the caregiver who dons and apron to prepare healthy meals, and the fairy who never forgets to make you a birthday cake. She is the one who feels the pain of your heartache and who will always defend you when you're attacked.

Your mother is the one who knows you best, the one who helps you overcome obstacles and dreams of a beautiful future for you. She helps you build your confidence and surpass yourself. She shows you the value of wisdom rather than misplaced pride.

Baby birds grow up and leave the nest to lead their own lives. With maturity, a growing child learns discernment and sees parents for the human beings they are, with their strengths and weaknesses. Rather than spoiling their love, this discovery is often the source of a closer relationship for adult children and their mothers. Even if your childhood was less than ideal, the affection that unites you both will only grow as you understand that your mother did the best she could with the resources she had.

Make this Mother's Day a time of gratitude. Thank your mom for guiding you and helping you become the adult you are today.


Happy Mother's Day Mom and to all you ladies out there!

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"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother."  ~ Lin Yutang



Wanda Hope Carter
This is really sweet RAW! Thank you. I hope you had a fantastic day too. With your little angels - I bet you did.  
  • May 16, 2015
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Redneck Angel Warrior
You're welcome and yes...it was a great day with my angels. LOL! My oldest made me breakfast and did the dishes. Youngest went out and picked me flowers.... Lilacs, one of my favorites. They both helped with folding laundry later in the day.
  • May 16, 2015
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